Pet ear infections are quite common in both cats and dogs, though in dogs they are more prevalent in certain breeds, especially those with ears that are flopping, large, or hairy. However, they can happen to any pet of any breed. It's important to see a veterinarian when you suspect an ear infection. Prescription medication is often needed to clear up an ear infection. If you suspect your furry friend has an ear infection and you live in or around Augusta, contact Westside Animal Hospital to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hawkins.

Pet Ear Infections

Ear Infections in Dogs

When a pet infection affects a dog, the cause is often that the pet has a bacterial or fungal infection in some area of the ears. Dogs can also get an infection from ear mites, but this isn't generally as common as other types of infections. They are more common in cats and cats can spread an infection of mites to dogs. Ear infections can cause a lot of pain, and you will likely see your dog affected by that pain. You may find that your dog gets whiny or shakes his head a lot.

He will often do this to try to relieve some of the pain in the ears. He may also scratch at an infected ear because of the itchiness and pain. You may also notice a dark discharge or odor that comes from the ear. When you look into the ear, you may see a lot of ear wax or an ear canal that is swollen, has scabs on it, or looks crusty. A veterinarian is needed to assess the infection to determine exactly which type of ear treatment is needed to clear it up.

Ear Infections in Cats

Cats can also get ear infections caused by fungi or bacteria, but it is more common that they develop a case of ear mites. This can cause a lot of pain to a cat's sensitive ear canal. You may see that your cat shakes his head to try to get rid of fluid and debris in the ear, and he may scratch at his ear because of the pain and itching. You might see that the ear is red and inflamed, and you may notice a bad odor coming from it and a discharge that is black or yellow. When a cat has ear mites, he may develop a secondary infection from a fungal or bacterial infection.

See Our Veterinarian in Augusta, GA

If you suspect that your pet may have an ear infection, it's time to act. Call our team today at (706) 738-4589 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hawkins at Westside Animal Hospital.

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